Computational and Systems Biology (CSB)
CSB.100[J] Topics in Computational and Systems Biology
Same subject as 7.89[J]
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall)
2-0-10 units
Seminar based on research literature. Papers covered are selected to illustrate important problems and varied approaches in the field of computational and systems biology, and to provide students a framework from which to evaluate new developments. Preference to first-year CSB PhD students.
C. Burge
CSB.110 Research Rotations in Computational and Systems Biology
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring)
0-12-0 units
Can be repeated for credit.
Students carry out research rotations with MIT faculty members or principal investigators working in the field of computational and systems biology. Generally three one-month long rotations are pursued that together span theoretical and experimental approaches. Open only to CSB PhD students.
CSB.190 Research Problems in Computational and Systems Biology
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Directed research in the field of computational and systems biology. Open only to CSB PhD students.
CSB.195 Professional Development in Computational and Systems Biology
Prereq: None
G (IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
Required for CSB students in the doctoral program to fulfill their professional development requirement through self-directed professional activities. Professional development activities include: internships (with industry, government, or academia); attendance at scientific meetings, MIT IAP events, or career fairs; participation in networking events or an entrepreneurship competition; training in teaching through the MIT Teaching and Learning lab; or the CAPD Path of Professorship. For an internship experience, prior authorization is required prior to enrollment; a report is required within two weeks of completion. Proposals subject to departmental approval.
E. Fraenkel, C. Burge
CSB.199 Teaching Experience in Computational Systems Biology
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring)
Units arranged [P/D/F]
Can be repeated for credit.
For qualified graduate students in the CSB graduate program interested in teaching. Classroom or laboratory teaching under the supervision of a faculty member.
CSB.930[J] Research Experience in Biopharma (New)
Same subject as 7.930[J], 20.930[J]
Prereq: None
G (Fall)
2-10-0 units
See description under subject 20.930[J].
C. Burge
CSB.THG Graduate Thesis
Prereq: Permission of instructor
G (Fall, IAP, Spring, Summer)
Units arranged
Can be repeated for credit.
Program of research leading to the writing of PhD thesis; to be arranged by the student and the MIT faculty advisor.
Information: Faculty Advisor