Master of Science in Linguistics

Department of Linguistics and Philosophy

Program Requirements

24.900Introduction to Linguistics 112
At least one of the following subjects:12-36
Language and Its Structure I: Phonology 1
Language and Its Structure II: Syntax 1
Language and Its Structure III: Semantics and Pragmatics 1
24.921Independent Study: Linguistics (Focused on the student's language) 224
24.THGGraduate Thesis 372
Total Units120-144

If the student has already completed equivalent coursework in this area, a more advanced class in the same area is taken instead.


Students register for a minimum of 24 units of 24.921 Independent Study: Linguistics, focused on their own language. Students can register for additional terms of 24.921.


Students register for 36 units of Thesis Research each term during the second year of the program.