Master of Science in Engineering and Management

System Design and Management Program

Subject Requirements

EM.411Foundations of System Design and Management15
EM.412Foundations of System Design and Management II6
EM.413Foundations of System Design and Management III15
Management Foundations 112
Engineering Depth 112
Management Electives 115
Engineering Electives 115
EM.THGEM Graduate Thesis24
Total Units114

Choose subjects from the SDM restricted subjects lists.

Management Foundations Subjects
1.266Supply Chain and Demand Analytics 16
15.034Econometrics for Managers: Correlation & Causality in a Big Data World9
15.071The Analytics Edge12
15.072Advanced Analytics Edge12
15.218Global Economic Challenges and Opportunities9
15.310People, Teams, and Organizations9
15.320Strategic Organizational Design9
15.364Innovation Ecosystems for Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Leaders (iEco4REAL)9
15.374Organizing for Innovation6
15.394Entrepreneurial Founding and Teams9
15.401Managerial Finance9
15.431Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital9
15.439Quantitative Investment Management9
15.515Financial Accounting9
15.516Corporate Financial Accounting12
15.521Accounting Information for Decision Makers6
15.535Business Analysis Using Financial Statements9
15.665Power and Negotiation9
15.761Introduction to Operations Management9
15.768Management of Services: Creating Value for Customers, Employees, and Investors9
15.762[J]Supply Chain Analytics 112
15.774The Analytics of Operations Management12
15.814Marketing Innovation9
15.833Business-to-Business Marketing6
15.871Introduction to System Dynamics6
15.873System Dynamics for Business and Policy9
15.900Competitive Strategy9
15.910Innovation Strategy6
15.911Entrepreneurial Strategy9
15.915Business Strategies for a Sustainable Future9
15.C57[J]Optimization Methods 112
EM.S21Special Subject in Engineering Management 1

Units are split between engineering depth and management foundation subjects. Splits vary based on the subject and unit value.

Engineering Depth Subjects
1.200[J]Transportation: Foundations and Methods12
1.266Supply Chain and Demand Analytics 16
2.702Systems Engineering and Naval Ship Design12
2.83Energy, Materials and Manufacturing12
2.854Introduction to Manufacturing Systems12
6.5840Distributed Computer Systems Engineering12
6.5900Computer System Architecture12
16.391Statistics for Engineers and Scientists12
15.C57[J]Optimization Methods 112
15.762[J]Supply Chain Analytics 112
16.453[J]Human Systems Engineering12
16.863[J]System Safety Concepts12
EM.422System Design and Management for a Changing World: Combined12
EM.423[J]System Design and Management for a Changing World: Tools6
EM.424[J]System Design and Management for a Changing World: Projects6
EM.S21Special Subject in Engineering Management 1

Units are split between engineering depth and management foundations. Splits vary based on the subject and unit value.

Management Electives
Managerial Economics
15.308Leading the Way: Interpersonal and Organizational Strategies for Advancing DE&I9
Operations Research/Statistics
15.068Statistical Consulting9
15.095Machine Learning Under a Modern Optimization Lens12
Health Care Management
15.128[J]Revolutionary Ventures: How to Invent and Deploy Transformative Technologies9
15.141[J]Economics of Health Care Industries6
Global Economics and Management
15.216Central Banks, Monetary Policy and Global Financial Markets9
15.223Global Markets, National Policies and the Competitive Advantages of Firms6
15.226Modern Business in Southeast Asia: ASEAN Lab12
15.232Breakthrough Ventures: Effective Business Models in Frontier Markets6
15.235Blockchain and Money6
15.236Global Business of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (GBAIR)6
15.248MENA Lab: Promoting Innovation & Entrepreneurship in the Middle East and North Africa12
History, Environment, Ethics
15.269Leadership Stories: Literature, Ethics, and Authority9
15.270Ethical Practice: Leading Through Professionalism, Social Responsibility, and System Design6
15.281Advanced Leadership Communication9
15.283Social Media Management: Persuasion in Networked Culture9
15.286Communicating with Data6
Work and Organizational Studies
15.318Discovering Your Leadership Signature9
15.321Improvisational Leadership: In-the-Moment Leadership Skills6
Technology, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship
15.365Overcoming Obstacles to Entrepreneurial Success9
15.366Climate & Energy Ventures12
15.367[J]Healthcare Ventures12
15.369Entrepreneurship in Organizations9
15.375[J]Global Ventures12
15.376[J]AI for Impact: Solving Societal-Scale Problems9
15.378Building an Entrepreneurial Venture: Advanced Tools and Techniques12
15.385Innovating for Impact6
15.386Leading in Ambiguity: Steering Through Strategic Inflection Points6
15.387Entrepreneurial Sales12
15.388Venture Creation Tactics12
15.389Global Entrepreneurship Lab12
15.390Entrepreneurship 101: Systematic Approach to New Venture Creation12
15.392Scaling Entrepreneurial Ventures6
15.398Corporations at the Crossroads: Leading an Organization Through Change & Challenge6
15.399Entrepreneurship Lab12
15.402Corporate Finance9
15.426[J]Real Estate Finance and Investment12
15.434Advanced Corporate Finance9
15.437Options and Futures Markets9
15.451Proseminar in Capital Markets/Investment Management6
15.453Finance Lab9
15.456Financial Engineering9
15.458Financial Data Science and Computing9
15.492Practice of Finance: Crypto Finance6
15.497FinTech Ventures9
15.499Practice of Finance: Social Impact Investing9
Information Technologies
15.561Digital Revolution: From Foundations to Future Trends9
15.562Web3 and Strategy: Blockchain, Metaverse, and NFT Essentials6
15.567The Economics of Information: Strategy, Structure and Pricing6
15.570Digital Marketing and Social Media Analytics6
15.572Analytics Lab: Action Learning Seminar on Analytics, Machine Learning, and the Digital Economy9
15.615Essential Law for Business9
15.655[J]Law, Technology, and Public Policy12
Industrial Relations and Human Resources
15.661Building Successful Careers and Organizations6
15.662[J]People and Profits: Shaping the Future of Work12
15.669Strategies for People Analytics6
15.677[J]Labor Markets and Employment Policy12
Operations Management
15.764[J]The Theory of Operations Management12
15.769Operations Strategy9
15.777Healthcare Lab: Introduction to Healthcare Delivery in the United States15
15.784Operations Laboratory9
15.785Product Management6
15.815Applied Behavioral Economics9
15.819Marketing and Product Analytics9
15.847[J]Consumer Behavior9
System Dynamics
15.878Sustainable Business Lab9
Engineering Electives
Civil and Environmental Engineering
1.001Engineering Computation and Data Science12
1.125Architecting and Engineering Software Systems12
1.208Resilient Networks12
1.261[J]Case Studies in Logistics and Supply Chain Management6
1.263[J]Urban Last-Mile Logistics6
1.275[J]Business and Operations Analytics6
1.286[J]Urban Energy Systems and Policy12
1.472[J]Innovative Project Delivery in the Public and Private Sectors6
1.541Mechanics and Design of Concrete Structures12
1.573[J]Structural Mechanics12
1.818[J]Sustainable Energy12
Mechanical Engineering
2.096[J]Introduction to Modeling and Simulation12
2.111[J]Quantum Computation12
2.120Introduction to Robotics12
2.131Advanced Instrumentation and Measurement12
2.140Analysis and Design of Feedback Control Systems12
2.151Advanced System Dynamics and Control12
2.154Maneuvering and Control of Surface and Underwater Vehicles12
2.156Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Engineering Design12
2.160Identification, Estimation, and Learning12
2.183[J]Biomechanics and Neural Control of Movement12
2.22Design Principles for Ocean Vehicles12
2.42General Thermodynamics12
2.55Advanced Heat and Mass Transfer12
2.62[J]Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion12
2.680Unmanned Marine Vehicle Autonomy, Sensing, and Communication12
2.720Elements of Mechanical Design12
2.740Bio-inspired Robotics12
2.75[J]Medical Device Design12
2.76Global Engineering12
2.782[J]Design of Medical Devices and Implants12
2.788Mechanical Engineering and Design of Living Systems12
2.798[J]Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics12
2.810Manufacturing Processes and Systems12
2.821[J]Structural Materials12
2.83Energy, Materials and Manufacturing12
2.888Professional Seminar in Global Manufacturing Innovation and Entrepreneurship3
2.98Sports Technology: Engineering & Innovation6
Materials Science and Engineering
3.207Innovation and Commercialization12
3.22Structure and Mechanics of Materials12
3.371[J]Structural Materials12
3.560Industrial Ecology of Materials12
3.70Materials Science and Engineering of Clean Energy12
3.963[J]Biomaterials Science and Engineering12
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
6.3102Dynamical System Modeling and Control Design12
6.3702Introduction to Probability12
6.3952AI, Decision Making, and Society12
6.4132[J]Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making12
6.4822[J]Quantitative Physiology: Organ Transport Systems12
6.4832[J]Fields, Forces, and Flows in Biological Systems12
6.4861[J]Medical Device Design12
6.5080Multicore Programming12
6.5160[J]Classical Mechanics: A Computational Approach12
6.5400[J]Theory of Computation12
6.5610Applied Cryptography and Security12
6.5660Computer Systems Security12
6.5810Operating System Engineering12
6.5820Computer Networks12
6.5830Database Systems12
6.5940TinyML and Efficient Deep Learning Computing12
6.6010Analysis and Design of Digital Integrated Circuits12
6.6020High-Frequency Integrated Circuits12
6.6330Fundamentals of Photonics12
6.6400Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics12
6.6500[J]Integrated Microelectronic Devices12
6.7300[J]Introduction to Modeling and Simulation12
6.7410Principles of Digital Communication12
6.7810Algorithms for Inference12
6.7910[J]Statistical Learning Theory and Applications12
6.8110[J]Cognitive Robotics12
6.7900Machine Learning12
6.7910[J]Statistical Learning Theory and Applications12
6.7930[J]Machine Learning for Healthcare12
6.8210Underactuated Robotics12
6.8110[J]Cognitive Robotics12
6.8210Underactuated Robotics12
6.8300Advances in Computer Vision12
6.8420Computational Design and Fabrication12
6.8510Intelligent Multimodal User Interfaces12
6.8610Quantitative Methods for Natural Language Processing12
6.8620[J]Spoken Language Processing12
6.8800[J]Biomedical Signal and Image Processing12
Chemical Engineering
10.392[J]Fundamentals of Advanced Energy Conversion12
10.524Pharmaceutical Engineering9
10.53[J]Advances in Biomanufacturing3
10.551Systems Engineering9
10.552Modern Control Design9
10.595Molecular Design and Bioprocess Development of Immunotherapies9
10.626Electrochemical Energy Systems12
Aeronautics and Astronautics
16.31Feedback Control Systems12
16.32Principles of Optimal Control and Estimation12
16.363Communication Systems and Networks12
16.422Human Supervisory Control of Automated Systems12
16.423[J]Aerospace Biomedical and Life Support Engineering12
16.511Aircraft Engines and Gas Turbines12
16.512Rocket Propulsion12
16.522Space Propulsion12
16.851Introduction to Satellite Engineering6
16.885Aircraft Systems Engineering12
16.89[J]Space Systems Engineering12
16.895[J]Engineering Apollo: The Moon Project as a Complex System12
Biological Engineering
20.201Fundamentals of Drug Development12
20.203[J]Neurotechnology in Action12
20.405[J]Principles of Synthetic Biology12
20.410[J]Molecular, Cellular, and Tissue Biomechanics12
20.420[J]Principles of Molecular Bioengineering12
20.445[J]Methods and Problems in Microbiology12
20.463[J]Biomaterials Science and Engineering12
20.554[J]Advances in Chemical Biology12
Nuclear Science and Engineering
22.13Nuclear Energy Systems6
22.55[J]Radiation Biophysics12
22.611[J]Introduction to Plasma Physics I12
22.811[J]Sustainable Energy12
Institute for Data, Systems and Society
IDS.131[J]Statistics, Computation and Applications12
IDS.521[J]Energy Systems for Climate Change Mitigation12
IDS.522Mapping and Evaluating New Energy Technologies12
Engineering and Management Electives—Split Credits 1
6.7700[J]Fundamentals of Probability12
6.9820Practical Internship Experience1
15.029[J]United States Energy Policy: Lessons Learned for the Future6
15.032[J]Engineering, Economics and Regulation of the Electric Power Sector12
15.054[J]The Airline Industry12
15.070[J]Discrete Probability and Stochastic Processes12
15.081[J]Introduction to Mathematical Programming12
15.084[J]Nonlinear Optimization12
15.085[J]Fundamentals of Probability12
15.094[J]Robust Modeling, Optimization, and Computation12
15.136[J]Principles and Practice of Drug Development9
15.371[J]Innovation Teams12
15.379[J]Mobility Ventures: Driving Innovation in Transportation Systems12
15.480[J]Science and Business of Biotechnology9
15.563[J]Artificial Intelligence for Business9
15.657[J]Technology, Globalization, and Sustainable Development12
15.770[J]Logistics Systems12
15.783[J]Product Design and Development12
16.855[J]Systems Architecting Applied to Enterprises12
16.891Space Policy Seminar6
EM.425Research Seminar on Engineering Projects and Teamwork6
EM.426Model-building and Analysis Lab for Engineering Project Teamwork6
EM.427[J]Technology Roadmapping and Development12
SCM.256Data Science and Machine Learning for Supply Chain Management12
SCM.290Sustainable Supply Chain Management6

Units are split between engineering and management. Splits vary based on the subject and unit value.