Fraternities, Sororities, and Independent Living Groups

MIT recognizes 43 fraternities, sororities, and independent living groups (FSILGs). Of these, 25 are nationally affiliated fraternities and three are local. There are five independent living groups, four of which are co-ed, and one is for women only. All 10 sororities are nationally affiliated; six are residential. Most FSILGs have residential facilities located off campus in Boston, Brookline, or Cambridge that are owned by the respective organization's house corporation. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) acts as the governing body for 25 fraternities and one sorority, the Panhellenic Association represents six sororities, the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC) represents six multicultural fraternities and sororities, and the Living Group Council represents the five independent living groups.

The oldest fraternity on campus was founded at MIT in 1873. Thirty-six percent of the undergraduate population is affiliated with a fraternity, sorority, or living group. FSILGs play an active role on campus, and members hold leadership positions in various clubs and organizations. FSILG members also take part in a number of intramural sports and volunteer their time with many charitable and nonprofit organizations.

The espoused values of the FSILG community include leadership, scholarship, citizenship, and service. Each organization is self-governing in a shared-governance model, managing its operations and maintenance while developing its own academic, social, membership, recreational, and external policies and programs. These organizations provide a unique experience in leadership, community planning, and group interactions.

Each residential fraternity, sorority, or living group has a live-in resident advisor hired and trained by MIT who is also a graduate student. Graduate Resident Advisors serve as mentors, guides, and resources for students and act as a liaison between the undergraduate chapter, the alumni/ae, and MIT.

MIT students have opportunities to learn more about each of the fraternities, sororities, and living groups throughout the academic year. The primary recruitment period for IFC fraternities and Panhellenic sororities is usually held in September. However, many fraternities, sororities, and independent living groups host recruitment events year round. In addition, incoming students receive information about the FSILGs during Orientation and Campus Preview Weekend. For more information about FSILGs, contact the Fraternity, Sorority, and Living Group Office, visit W59-200, or call 617-253-4663.