Music Technology and Computation

Master's Programs in Music Technology and Computation

Master of Science in Music Technology and Computation

 Subject Requirements

The Master of Science in Music Technology and Computation requires a minimum of 68 units of subject credit and the completion of a thesis acceptable to the Music and Theater Arts Section.

Music Computation
Select three of the following subjects: 36
Computational Music Theory and Analysis
Interactive Music Systems
Fundamentals of Music Processing
Studies in Advanced Music Technology and Music Computation
Restricted Electives12
Select 12 units from among the following subjects:
MIT Laptop Ensemble
Introduction to Music Technology
Electronic Music Composition I
Electronic Music Composition II
Studies in Music Technology
Digital Instrument Design
Overview of Music Perception and Cognition
Overview of Acoustics and the Physics of Sound
Overview of Musical Software and Formats
Overview of the Principles of Signals
Musical Aesthetics and Media Technology
Principles of Electronic Music Interfaces
or additional subjects from Music Computation above
Select 12 units from the restricted electives listed above or, with permission of advisor, any other subjects in music, computation, engineering, or technology.
21M.590Colloquium in Music Technology (taken twice)2
Research Seminar
21M.595Music Technology And Computation Research Seminar6
Thesis Requirement
Students must complete research-based thesis on a topic of their choice that has been approved by the thesis supervisor.
21M.THGDirected Research and Thesis in Music Technology and Computation24
Total Units92

Master of Applied Science in Music Technology and Computation

Subject Requirements

The Master of Applied Science in Music Technology and Computation requires a minimum of 92 units of subject credit.

Foundation Subjects
21M.540Thinking about Music12
One of the following, selected by the advisor at the time of admission:12
Harmony and Counterpoint I with Computational Applications
Programming for Music
A 12-unit Restricted Elective or Advanced Subject
Select three of the following subjects in conjunction with the advisor:12
Overview of Music Perception and Cognition
Overview of Acoustics and the Physics of Sound
Overview of Musical Software and Formats
Overview of Mathematics for Music Applications
Overview of the Principles of Signals
Restricted Elective
Select one of the following subjects: 12
Introduction to Music Technology
Electronic Music Composition I
Electronic Music Composition II
Studies in Music Technology
Digital Instrument Design
Musical Aesthetics and Media Technology
Principles of Electronic Music Interfaces
Advanced Subjects
Select two of the following subjects: 24
Computational Music Theory and Analysis
Interactive Music Systems
Fundamentals of Music Processing
Studies in Advanced Music Technology and Music Computation
Select 12 units from Restricted Electives, Overviews, or Advanced Subjects; 21M.517; or with permission of advisor, any other subjects in music, computation, or technology.
21M.590Colloquium in Music Technology (taken twice)2
21M.591Capstone Project in Music Technology6
Total Units92


Some required subjects may be exempted for students on the basis of successful performance on a diagnostic examination. In these cases, the units shall be substituted by an equal number of units from the Elective requirement.