Economics (Course 14-1)

Department of Economics

Bachelor of Science in Economics

General Institute Requirements (GIRs)

The General Institute Requirements include a Communication Requirement that is integrated into both the HASS Requirement and the requirements of each major; see details below.

Summary of Subject Requirements Subjects
Science Requirement 6
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Requirement [between one and three subjects can be from the Departmental Program]; at least two of these subjects must be designated as communication-intensive (CI-H) to fulfill the Communication Requirement. 8
Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (REST) Requirement [one subject can be satisfied by 14.30 in the Departmental Program] 2
Laboratory Requirement (12 units) [can be satisfied by 14.32 in the Departmental Program] 1
Total GIR Subjects Required for SB Degree 17
Physical Education Requirement
Swimming requirement, plus four physical education courses for eight points.

Departmental Program

Choose at least two subjects in the major that are designated as communication-intensive (CI-M) to fulfill the Communication Requirement.

Required SubjectsUnits
14.01Principles of Microeconomics 112
or 14.03 Microeconomic Theory and Public Policy
14.02Principles of Macroeconomics12
14.30Introduction to Statistical Methods in Economics 212
14.32Econometric Data Science12
14.THUThesis 315
Select two to three of the following, including one subject from the Macroeconomics list and two subjects designated as CI-M:24-36
Intermediate Macroeconomics (CI-M)
Advanced Macroeconomics
Communication-Intensive in the Major
Intermediate Macroeconomics (CI-M)
Mathematical Economic Modeling (CI-M)
Research and Communication in Economics: Topics, Methods, and Implementation (CI-M)
Why Markets Fail (CI-M)
Select one of the following:12
Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
Economic Applications of Game Theory
Strategy and Information
Market Design
Organizational Economics
Restricted Electives
Select four elective subjects in economics48
Units in Major147-159
Unrestricted Electives 457-93
Units in Major That Also Satisfy the GIRs(36-60)
Total Units Beyond the GIRs Required for SB Degree180

The units for any subject that counts as one of the 17 GIR subjects cannot also be counted as units required beyond the GIRs.


Students with a score of 5 on the Economics AP exam may substitute 14.03 Microeconomic Theory and Public Policy.


Or an approved alternative in statistics (consult department).


May be replaced by an additional elective subject in economics.


This chart has been calculated based on an overlap of 36 units (three subjects) between the HASS General Institute Requirement and the departmental requirements. Students who develop a program of study with more overlap will be able to select more unrestricted electives to meet the number of total units beyond the GIRs required for an SB degree.