Computation and Cognition (Course 6-9)

Computation and Cognition

Bachelor of Science in Computation and Cognition (Course 6-9)

General Institute Requirements (GIRs)

The General Institute Requirements include a Communication Requirement that is integrated into both the HASS Requirement and the requirements of each major; see details below.

Summary of Subject Requirements Subjects
Science Requirement 6
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Requirement [9.85 can be satisfied in the Departmental Program]; at least two of these subjects must be designated as communication-intensive (CI-H) to fulfill the Communication Requirement. 8
Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (REST) Requirement [can be satisfied by 9.01 and 6.1200[J], 6.2000, 6.3000, 6.3700, 18.03, 18.05, 18.06, 18.600, 18.C06[J] in the Departmental Program] 2
Laboratory Requirement (12 units) [can be satisfied by a laboratory in the Departmental Program] 1
Total GIR Subjects Required for SB Degree 17
Physical Education Requirement
Swimming requirement, plus four physical education courses for eight points.

Departmental Program

Choose at least two subjects in the major that are designated as communication-intensive (CI-M) to fulfill the Communication Requirement.

Required SubjectsUnits
6.100AIntroduction to Computer Science Programming in Python6
9.01Introduction to Neuroscience12
18.06Linear Algebra12
orĀ 18.C06[J] Linear Algebra and Optimization
Select one of the following:6-12
Mathematics for Computer Science
Discrete Mathematics and Proof for Computer Science
Differential Equations
Select one of the following:12
Introduction to Probability
Introduction to Probability and Statistics
Probability and Random Variables
Introduction to Inference
Statistics for Brain and Cognitive Science 1
EECS Program Subjects
6.3900Introduction to Machine Learning12
Select two of the following:24
Fundamentals of Programming
Introduction to Algorithms
Electrical Circuits: Modeling and Design of Physical Systems
Select one of the following:12
Signal Processing
Dynamical System Modeling and Control Design
Representation, Inference, and Reasoning in AI
BCS Program Subjects 1
Brain Systems/Neurophysiology
Select one of the following:12
Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 1
The Human Brain 1
Developmental Neurobiology 1
Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing 1
Perception 1
Neurobiology of Self 1
Introduction to Neural Computation 1
Materials Physics of Neural Interfaces (CI-M)
Computation and Cognition
Select one of the following:12
Computational Psycholinguistics 1
Language in the Mind and Brain
Neural Circuits for Cognition 1
Emergent Computations Within Distributed Neural Circuits 1
Computational Cognitive Science 1
Infant and Early Childhood Cognition (CI-M) 1
Program Electives
One subject from the Electives list12-18
One subject from the Laboratory Subjects list12
Advanced Project
Select one of the following:6-18
Seminar in Undergraduate Advanced Research (CI-M)
Research and Communication in Neuroscience and Cognitive Science (CI-M)
Projects in the Science of Intelligence (CI-M)
Robotics: Science and Systems (CI-M)
Robotic Manipulation (CI-M)
Advances in Computer Vision (CI-M)
Quantitative Methods for Natural Language Processing (CI-M)
Units in Major150-174
Unrestricted Electives 348-72
Units in Major That Also Satisfy the GIRs(36-48)
Total Units Beyond the GIRs Required for SB Degree180-198

The units for any subject that counts as one of the 17 GIR subjects cannot also be counted as units required beyond the GIRs.


Subjects that also appear in the list of BCS Program Subjects can count as either a BCS Program Subject or a Program Elective, but not both.


Subject has prerequisites that are outside of the program.


In order to meet the 180-198 units beyond the GIRs required, students may need to take more than 48 or fewer than 72 units of unrestricted electives.

Program Electives

6.4100Artificial Intelligence12
6.4200[J]Robotics: Science and Systems12
6.8301Advances in Computer Vision15
6.8611Quantitative Methods for Natural Language Processing15
9.09[J]Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology 112
9.13The Human Brain 112
9.18[J]Developmental Neurobiology 112
9.19Computational Psycholinguistics 112
9.21[J]Cellular Neurophysiology and Computing 1 212
9.24Disorders and Diseases of the Nervous System12
9.26[J]Principles and Applications of Genetic Engineering for Biotechnology and Neuroscience12
9.35Perception 112
9.36Neurobiology of Self 112
9.40Introduction to Neural Computation 112
9.42The Brain and Its Interface with the Body12
9.49Neural Circuits for Cognition 112
9.53Emergent Computations Within Distributed Neural Circuits 112
9.66[J]Computational Cognitive Science 112
9.85Infant and Early Childhood Cognition 112
6.3800Introduction to Inference12
9.60Machine-Motivated Human Vision12
2.74Bio-inspired Robotics12
9.39Language in the Mind and Brain12
6.1040Software Design18
16.84Advanced Autonomous Robotic Systems12
6.C25[J]Real World Computation with Julia12
6.4210Robotic Manipulation15
6.1120Dynamic Computer Language Engineering12

Laboratory Subjects

6.2040Analog Electronics Laboratory (CI-M)12
6.2050Digital Systems Laboratory (CI-M) 212
6.2060Microcomputer Project Laboratory (CI-M) 212
6.2370Modern Optics Project Laboratory (CI-M)12
6.4200[J]Robotics: Science and Systems (CI-M)12
6.4880[J]Biological Circuit Engineering Laboratory (CI-M)12
9.17Systems Neuroscience Laboratory (CI-M) 112
9.59[J]Laboratory in Psycholinguistics (CI-M) 112
9.60Machine-Motivated Human Vision (CI-M) 112

Subjects that also appear in the list of BCS Program Subjects can count as either a BCS Program Subject or a Program Elective, but not both.


Subject has prerequisites that are outside of the program.