Archaeology and Materials (Course 3-C)

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Archaeology and Materials as Recommended by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering

General Institute Requirements (GIRs)

The General Institute Requirements include a Communication Requirement that is integrated into both the HASS Requirement and the requirements of each major; see details below.

Summary of Subject Requirements Subjects
Science Requirement 6
Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Requirement [can be satisfied by three subjects from the Departmental Program.]; at least two of these subjects must be designated as communication-intensive (CI-H) to fulfill the Communication Requirement. 8
Restricted Electives in Science and Technology (REST) Requirement [can be satisfied by 18.03 or 18.06 or 18.C06[J] and 3.020 in the Departmental Program] 2
Laboratory Requirement (12 units) [can be satisfied by 3.010 in the Departmental Program] 1
Total GIR Subjects Required for SB Degree 17
Physical Education Requirement
Swimming requirement, plus four physical education courses for eight points.

Departmental Program

Choose at least two subjects in the major that are designated as communication-intensive (CI-M) to fulfill the Communication Requirement.

Required SubjectsUnits
3.010Structure of Materials (partial CI-M)12
3.020Thermodynamics of Materials (partial CI-M)12
3.029Mathematics and Computational Thinking for Materials Scientists and Engineers I12
3.030Microstructural Evolution in Materials12
3.013Mechanics of Materials12
or 3.044 Materials Processing
3.985[J]Archaeological Science9
3.986[J]The Human Past: Introduction to Archaeology12
3.987Human Evolution: Data from Palaeontology, Archaeology, and Materials Science12
3.990Seminar in Archaeological Method and Theory (CI-M)9
6.100AIntroduction to Computer Science Programming in Python6
or 6.100L Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
12.001Introduction to Geology12
18.03Differential Equations12
or 18.06 Linear Algebra
or 18.C06[J] Linear Algebra and Optimization
21A.00Introduction to Anthropology: Comparing Human Cultures12
3.THUUndergraduate Thesis12
Restricted Electives 2
3.983Ancient Mesoamerican Civilization9-12
or 3.988 Maya City Building: Materials, Technology, and Ecology in an Ancient Society
Select one of the following:12
Introduction to Ceramics
Materials in Human Experience
Ancient Engineering: Ceramic Technologies
Modern Physical Metallurgy
Sustainable Chemical Metallurgy
Earth Materials: Minerals and Rocks
Units in Major177-180
Unrestricted Electives 366
Units in Major That Also Satisfy the GIRs(60)
Total Units Beyond the GIRs Required for SB Degree183-186

The units for any subject that counts as one of the 17 GIR subjects cannot also be counted as units required beyond the GIRs.


18.032 Differential EquationsCC.1803 Differential Equations, and ES.1803 Differential Equations are also acceptable options.


Substitution of similar subjects may be permitted by petition.


This chart has been calculated based on an overlap of 24 units (two subjects) between the HASS General Institute Requirement and the departmental requirements. Students who develop a program of study with more or less overlap will need to select more or fewer unrestricted electives to meet the number of total units beyond the GIRs required for an SB degree.